Introducing Pie Charts and Reduce Transforms to SORACOM Lagoon
SORACOM Lagoon, a customizable dashboard service that allows you to create powerful data visualizations and share them with third parties, now supports creating pie chart visualizations and reduce transforms. Both of these features are currently available as a beta, and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Pie Chart (Beta)
You can now create pie chart to visualize percentages of data.
For example, when combined with an Expression function, you can visualize the percentage of sensors from a fleet of CO2 monitoring sensors that exceed CO2 concentrations of 1000 ppm.
Reduce Transform (Beta)
You can now add a Reduce transform to an Expression function, which will allow you to calculate the minimum (Min), maximum (Max), average (Mean), total (Sum), or count (Count) of a data set.
For example, by adding a Reduce transform to temperature data, you can quickly calculate average (Mean) temperature from a specific time period. Then, by further combining it with a Math Expression, you can create a graph that visualizes the temperature difference relative to the average temperature calculated from the transform.