11 months ago
Changes to invoices issued by Net Protections
We would like to inform customers in Japan of the following changes to our invoice system in order to improve compliance with invoicing regulations, pertaining to invoices issued by Net Protections:
- Rounding for fractional amounts has been adjusted to ensure that the invoiced total correctly matches the calculation of charges.
- The line items "10% 対象計" (taxable amount) and "消費税 (10%)" (sales tax) have been combined into one line item, now labeled "税込 10% 計" (tax included total)
While previously issued invoices comply with invoicing regulations, we will be updating our invoice system in order to prevent any discrepancies. These changes will apply starting from October 2023 billing period invoices (to be issued in November 2023).
For further information, please refer to our How is the invoiced amount calculated? FAQ page (Japanese).