New Automatically Update option for SORACOM Lagoon Pro Snapshots
The SORACOM Lagoon Pro plan provides a Snapshot feature that allows you to publish a Lagoon Dashboard.
Using the Snapshot feature, you can generate a public URL to share a view-only Dashboard with other users. Users can then access the URL without the need to log in to Lagoon, and will see the Dashboard, including data for a specific time period, as it appeared when the Snapshot was saved.
In this update, Snapshots now have an Automatically Update option that will update the Snapshot approximately every minute:
- For existing Snapshots or new Snapshots created with the Automatically Update option disabled, the Dashboard layout and data will stay the same, regardless of when the URL is accessed. You can use this option to publish a Dashboard that shows data for a specific point in time.
- When creating a new Snapshot with the Automatically Update option enabled, the latest data will be loaded periodically while the Snapshot is being viewed. You can use this option to publish a Dashboard that automatically shows the latest data.
Please note that the Automatically Update option of the Snapshot feature is currently released as a beta, and may be subject to change without notice.