Soracom Device Implementation Guidelines now available
We are pleased to announce that we have released the Soracom Device Implementation Guidelines to help customers with their development of IoT devices.
These guidelines explain important factors for developing new devices or selecting existing devices, such as:
- Compliance with laws and regulations
- Adoption of standard specifications
- Use of efficient protocols
- Optimization of data transmission volume
- Security measures
- And more
With the growing number of cellular-connected IoT devices, mobile network operators (MNOs) are increasingly scrutinizing the behavior of devices connected to their networks, especially wary of devices that exhibit aggressive reconnection or unstable data transfer behavior. These guidelines will help you design or select efficient devices that adhere to various requirements set by MNOs in order to maintain mobile network performance.
Please note that with the release of these guidelines, the SORACOM Air for Cellular Best Practices Guide will no longer be published.